The best candidates are off the market within 10 days, are you considering suppliers who will give you the best competitive advantage

Jan. 25, 2023 

With the competition for talent at its fiercest, companies are battling it out to attract and retain the best candidates. If you want to be in the running you must be quick, with the best applicants being snapped up within 10 days.

Now is the best time to re-evaluate your hiring process and shave off valuable time. Here are some top tips to consider when re-working your recruitment process.

1. What on earth is going on?

Communication is the key. The easiest way to lose a great candidate is to leave them in the dark about what comes next in the application process. But our company is great at communication we hear you say, well….

78% of employers feel they do a good job setting expectations upfront and communicating throughout the hiring process, BUT only 47% of job-seekers agree


Don’t worry, this problem can be easily fixed. A simple process flow or infographic explaining the steps can put the candidate at ease, reducing dropouts. This can be used on your careers site or emailed to the candidates at various stages of the process. If you are open and honest about the application process upfront candidates are more likely to see it through.

Make sure everyone involved in your recruitment process from Hiring Managers to Recruiters are communicating effectively. Do you struggle to get hold of Recruiters? Can they never get hold of candidates? Then it may be time to rethink how you communicate or find a recruitment partner that has the tools to close the gap.

2. Snip, snip

Cut out any unnecessary steps and reduced the number of rounds in the process. Each step adds significantly more time to your hiring process and increases the chance of the best candidate getting stolen by your competitor.

Ask yourself: Can I combine multiple stages? Can I pre-book interview slots? Be flexible. Especially with time and location or using phone or video interviews. A great way to cut down multiple interviews is by conducting panel interviews.

Not sure where to start? Ask your recruitment partner. They should be advising you on process improvements, making your hiring process efficient. An efficient process is a quick process.

3. Are you still there?

Focus on candidate engagement. If the candidate hasn’t heard anything from you in some time, they will feel unvalued, unimportant, forgotten. This can lead to them walking away completely.

The best way to solve this is to create a series of touchpoints throughout the process. This can be via text, email or face-to-face. The more they hear from you the more they are invested in the hiring process and your company. There is plenty of technology out there that can help you engage candidates. What does your current recruitment provider offer?

Within these touchpoints set timeframes and stick to them. If you tell a candidate you’ll give them an update Monday, give them an update Monday. Even if the update is there is no update. A company that continuously misses deadlines raises red flags for candidates. If the company is bad at communication, how will it be working for them? The same goes for recruitment partners. If you’re not frequently hearing from them you can bet your candidates aren’t either.

Still unsure how to make your hiring process more efficient?

The best way to find out is to ask the people who’ve been through it. That includes the successfully, unsuccessfully and dropout candidates. A simple survey will give you valuable insight into the inner workings of your process. What works, what doesn’t work and what is causing you the most damage.

Still don’t know? That’s where we come in.

We are always looking for ways to improve. Our teams have a can-do mindset and seek ways to make it work, not reasons why it won’t. Our job is not only fulfilling requirements but solving problems that are unique to you so you can carry on being great at what you do. Click here to get connected, no obligations just an initial chat to see how we can make your life easier.

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