Partnering with a large global pharma company to find Freelance Project Program Managers.

Dez. 24, 2021 

​We worked with a global pharma organisation to help them find niche talent to support both product development and product launch in Germany. Our wide talent network meant we were able to quickly identify and embed highly qualified talent, empowering the client to oversee a smooth product launch.

The Challenge

A long-time Kelly partner in the US – one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world – required expertise to support product development and the launch of new products in the German market. The client needed to expand their expert network to access and engage two freelance project program managers within the German pharmaceutical industry. They were searching for niche expertise across the entire product life cycle (clinical trials, regulatory reporting, risk management, etc.) in a challenging talent market.

The Solution

Through Kelly’s large and technically strong network of experts, our consultant was able to introduce the client to suitable and available freelancers quickly. We delivered fast, appropriate, and professional support from the initial meeting to the start of the project, despite limited availability in the German freelancer market.

The Results

With our help, the client was able to quickly engage two experts with many years of experience ( ensuring an on-schedule and smooth product launch in Germany. These placements also resulted in a significant transfer of knowledge inside the company and enabled further training of the client’s team.


First interview after 2 hours

Highly qualified roles filled by by our experts within 2 days

  • Placements led to internal knowledge transfer

Here you can find more info about Interim & Freelance.

Freelancer, interim manager or doctor? Click here to find out and here to find your next project.

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