How to ramp up your digital skills

Jan. 22, 2020 

​It’s no secret that artificial intelligence and robotics are poised to transform the world of work. Within the next decade, more and more of us will be working alongside computers. That’s why it’s advisable to ramp up your digital skills so you’re ready for the change. Here’s how to go about it:

  • Talk to your supervisor: Explain to your manager that you want to expand your skills, and ask if the company offers any employer-provided training courses. If it doesn’t, the company might be willing to help pay for a course as long as what you’re learning will benefit the organization.

  • Inquire at your local job center: Job centers around the country offer training in basic digital skills, such as Microsoft Office and the Google suite. Some are free, while some might require a small contribution.

  • Take free online courses: There are many free online courses available nowadays. Coursera offers almost 1,000 courses in a range of areas including computer science, data science, and IT. All you have to do is set the right filters to find a list of courses in your chosen subject. Similarly, Google Digital Garage offers free training in data and tech, as well as digital marketing. The best things about these free online courses is that you can complete them at your own pace — plus, if you enjoy them, you can continue on by earning a certification or degree at an online school.

  • Follow digital news: Improving your digital skills also involves staying up to date on the latest technological developments. You can navigate to the technology section of your preferred news site, read technology publications such as TechRadar and Wired, and even set a Google alert for technology stories.

Technology is developing quickly, so it’s critical to stay up to date if you want to remain employable. By taking the time to improve your digital skills now, you can be much better prepared for what the future may bring.

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