Are your suppliers missing this crucial first step in the recruitment journey? How your careers site could be putting off talent.

Jan. 25, 2023 

Are you missing the mark in providing excellent support in your temporary applicant lifecycle journey? 

Here are our top tips on How to Provide Outstanding Candidate Experience

1. Culture affects your teams 

Company culture affects your employees throughout their lifecycle journey. Your talent acquisition team should be consistent in their communication with candidates, from first point of contact all the way through to job offer and beyond. A positive work culture affects the hiring practices of any organisation, so it is prevalent to start here. Not sure on how to examine your culture? Assess your companies’ values. Conduct employee surveys. Listen to your team. 

2. Your Approach 

There is no one size fits all approach in recruitment. Taking an individualized approach to each candidate will not only add value to the candidate’s journey but it will vastly increase candidate retention and decrease dropout rates. 

If you are based internationally like us here at Kelly, it is not good enough just to provide a global strategy. Its important to take a localized approach when considering talent acquisition. As an employer you must keep an ear to the ground to understand your local market. This will provide you with valid insight from different markets, talent availability, salary expectations and so on. Allowing you to source the right people, find the right candidates, and provide value to your business. 

3. Your Programmes/Tools 

A good careers site is another crucial step in a candidate’s journey with your company, yet so many businesses overlook it. Having a clear, concise website that allows candidates to easily scan your job postings and apply for roles enriches your candidate’s journey. A candidate who is invested in your company is less likely to drop out at the beginning of the hiring stage, so it is important to make the first step easy for them. Click & apply. 

Your team culture. 

Your approach. 

Your programs and tools. 

These are incredibly significant factors you need to consider when shaping your candidate experience.

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