Does the life sciences sector have an image problem?

Jan. 30, 2020 

Our recent Talent in Science (TIS) report found that although 244,000 Marketing Managers are working across Europe, only 3% were working in/had experience in the Pharma or Medical Devices fields. This is a worrying statistic for Life Sciences organisations who rely on their Sales and Marketing functions to communicate world-changing discoveries and developments. In a complex sector, the strength of your unique voice could be the key to pulling ahead of the competition, so it’s vital that organisations do more to attract and retain top Sales and Marketing talent.

We look at the ways Life Sciences organisations can attract leading Sales and Marketing professionals, below.

Offer Clear Progression Opportunities

Our respondents told us that their number one attraction factor to their current employer was the opportunity to progress. This came out top with 19% of the Sales and Marketing specialists we spoke to across Europe. It seems this is an ambitious group and organisations must not only shout about the role they are offering but a wider career journey that provides opportunities for upwards mobility. This includes opportunities to access regular training and build on existing skills.

Build a Strong Employer Brand

The attraction factor that came second in our survey was employer reputation. Unsurprisingly, Sales and Marketing experts want to work for the very best Life Sciences organisations around. For employers, this means dedicating time to crafting a meaningful story and sharing company values in a way that resonates. In a talent-short market, it’s not enough to rely on a well-known name or historic success; an employer brand must grow with an organisation, evolving across all platforms.

Deliver Innovative Recruitment Campaigns

The best Sales and Marketing people understand what is happening at the leading edge of their industry. This means they respond to recruitment campaigns that challenge traditional ideas and stand out in a sea of similar jobs postings. But this is about more than writing a killer job description, it’s about leveraging social media, using distinctive visuals, and finding fresh ways to connect with the talented people who could make a lasting difference in your organisation.

Look to STEM graduates

Communicating complex ideas in the Life Sciences is challenging. By choosing STEM graduates for Sales and Marketing roles, Life Sciences organisations can harness a deep knowledge base that adds weight to their communication style. Sales, in particular, has often been regarded as more art than science. However, given the speed of technological and scientific development, a scientific background is increasing important for sales people in the Life Sciences. STEM graduates are also seeing value in Sales and Marketing roles that offer job stability and progression opportunities.

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